Thursday, May 30, 2013

Do You Rock Your Inner Mama?

I believe in changing the way the mind works to improve one’s health and wellbeing.  The way we handle stress and emotions has an impact on our health.  One of the biggest struggles I see with parents is staying calm and patient when faced with daily challenges with their kids.  This can be a struggle to balance stress and feelings.  That is why I am excited to share with you "Rock Your Inner Mama." 

It is important to learn to relax and use mindful parenting techniques to help you be the best mama, or father, you can be.  Rock Your Inner Mama will help give new insights to help you face the day more prepared to handle any obstacles or glitches that arise.  No matter what stage you are in parenting sometimes we can feel like we have no idea what we are doing, sometimes we feel we could have handled a situation better, or just completely exhausted all patience.  Some of the visualizations in this CD will help you be more mindful to yourself and your family’s needs.  Rachel Sklar has multiple parent coaching certifications and has a Master’s in Social Work.  She crafted the 9 track CD to help you Rock your Inner Mama with easy to use Mama Mantras.  Her gentle relaxing voice helps to guide you in being the best mom you can rise to be. 

Rock your Inner Mama has 10 principles that help you open your heart to your family and access your inner parent.  There is no perfect way to be a parent; we have no guide book that we are given when we have our little angles, not to mention that each child is so different.  Knowing how to shift into a more positive mom, you can be a more understanding loving addition to your family.  As I listened to the first track I noticed that I already use these positive affirmations with claiming my health and food choices.  Why I had not thought about using the same technique with Parenting, I have no idea.  In the first track she gives you 10 principles, affirmations, that you can chose to use and say to yourself daily.  While many spoke to me one that I absolutely loved and used through this month was "I am flexible, firm, and kind".  This spoke to me in that it is OK to tell my children NO, It’s OK to say YES, and in all situations speak kindly and lovingly.  Being flexible is something I am not always great at and something I am working on.  We keep a tight schedule and I am learning that it’s OK to move things around and not stress over being late to something, changing things up, and just rolling with the day keeping smiling faces and humor. 

I loved the Morning Practices.  Sometimes we are not always ready to jump up and start the day.  During the last month of School, we had so many projects that needed finished, end of year parties, deadlines, test, things needed to be turned in, almost every couple days there was a reason I needed to be at the school for one of the kid’s four classrooms.  As we wake in the morning I get the kids started on their morning routine as I start breakfast and lunches, and a stressful day can get rolling away from you in the morning.  The Morning Practices was a great way to ease into my morning routines.  Rachel's easy and soothing voice helped me take into thought the way I speak and listen to my kids in all things small and big.  The breathing exercises where so wonderful!  I do daily breathing techniques and think they can be an asset to all parents, and I love how she starts every track with simple breathing exercises.  One phrase she mentions that still sticks with me is to "commit yourself to being amazing today".  That means committing yourself to your priorities and your relationship to your child.  My relationship with them is more important than anything I may have planned for that day, any power struggles that come up, or needing to be right.  Since I was focusing on making sure we all had an amazing day, I looked for opportunities to make sure they knew how important they are to me.

This was just two of the nine tracks that give you positive ways to find patience, compassion, and trust in your parenting techniques.  While listening to the CD throughout the month, I noticed things spoke differently to me.  Some days were easy and the CD was just a relaxing tool, while some days I felt like a certain track was speaking right to me.

You can purchase the CD or you can download the MP3 for your device.  I found I really loved it being on my phone because I could just put my earphones in, take some deep breaths and change my mood around.  I have to say that my kids are pretty easy and we do not have many bad days.  No one really does tantrums or act outs since the ages are between 5 and 11 years old, but they do have disagreements, attitudes, and elevated emotions that I have to try and help them work through.  I found that I could be a better mom and help them use some of these same techniques for themselves when dealing with each other.  Whether you have infants, preschoolers, elementary, middle, high school, or collage, every parent can benefit from listening to this CD.  We all want to be the best support and examples for our children helping them make good decisions and lifestyle choices, and staying a coolheaded confident, compassionate and kind parent is a great example for any age.   

I encourage you to pick up a CD or download and start Rocking Your Inner Mama.  You may think you have everything under control, like I did, but there is a lot you can still learn in the CD. 

Purchasing options are at the bottom of the website
You can purchase the CD for $25 ( which includes tax and shipping)
You can purchase and download instantly for $20 (which also includes tax)
How do you rock your inner mama now?

Cleansing Juice, Summer Juice #3

Digestive Cleansing Juice
Summer Juice #3
1 Granny Smith Apple
1 Red Delicious Apple
1 cup white grapes
1 cup red grapes
1/2 cup cranberries
I LOVE drinking anything with cranberries!  It helps to cleanse the blood, digestion, urinary system, and removes toxins from the skin.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Cooling Cucumber Mint Juice, Summer Juice #2

Cooling Cucumber Mint Juice
Summer Juice 2
2 cucumbers
1 bunch of Fresh Mint

If you are looking for a great tasting summer cooling juice this is it!  Cucumbers are great for cleansing your kidneys, which helps to filter out toxins and work more efficiently.  Cucumbers also help to cool the body during these summer months.
We are celebrating Sick Fat and Nearly Dead.  Watch the Movie for FREE here. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 28th Good Eatin' Recipe Hop

Welcome to the Good Eatin' Recipe Hop
hosted by
The 'Pitch List' Bloggers

Every Tuesday you can join us to share great recipes.........
There are no specific themes. 
Add your recipe of choice to the linky.
No Giveaways Please...all giveaways will be removed.
We Love Comments! Please Share!

Summer Juice 1

Todays Juice

Summer Juice 1
1 1/2 cups berries
handful of spinach
1 stalk celery
1 cucumber, with peel

Everything goes into the Juicer and collects in a glass.  Enjoy right away! 

The great thing about juicing is that you are super charging your body with nutrients and allowing your digestion to rest without the fiber.  Through June I am sharing some of my favorite Juices and Smoothies in Celebration of Fat Sick and Nearly Dead.  This Movie is celebrating its 2nd Anniversary.  You can watch it free on Youtube for a limited time. 

Joe travels to America not to eat the food, but to do a walk about and enjoy Juice for 60 days.  ONLY JUICE.  While this may sound drastic and hard to do, I have went 30 days on juice alone and it was one of the best experiences I have ever had.  This is not a crash diet.  This is a cleansing and fast to detox your body of all the junk we have consumed and stored in the body.  This is all about cutting out the junk, super charging the body with nutrients, and healing.  When you Juice, you are still eating, you are eating micronutrients, super charging the system.  Joe was able to get off his meds, heal his body, and change his lifestyle.  You will also see and hear information from Doctors and Health Specialist that give you the benefits of Juicing and why every person who eats a typical processed diet should do one.  I encourage you to watch his walkabout and story, its life changing experience, not just for him, but the people he helps along the way. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead for FREE, limited time

We are celebrating the 2nd Anniversary of Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead.  This is an amazing movie and journey that Joss Cross took to improve his health and change his life.  You can watch this Documentary Free for a limited time. 

I remember when I first watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead last year.  It is an amazing story of a man who was riddled with medical problems, overweight, and felt horrible.  He decided to make some big changes and shared his story with us on this journey.  It is inspiring to see his transformation during the 60 days of juicing only, No chewing, with fruits and vegetables.   This is one of my TOP FAVORITE Docs that is a must see.  Please watch the movie while it is offered for a Limited time Free.  Also, check back in a couple weeks when I will be posting a Giveaway Too!  Below you will see the Trailer, The Movie Link, and a Blender Giveaway going on now on Joe's Site. 

Watch the Trailer Here

Right now Joe has a Juicer Giveaway running of the juicer used in the movie. 


Get a Free Conscious Box Just Pay Shipping

Great New with ConsciousBox. 
If you have not tried out ConsciousBox, than now is the time.  For a Special Memorial Day savings you can get a FREE Box and just pay Shipping.  ($7.95)
"Conscious Box is the best way to discover the purest, most sustainable products on the planet."

Each month you'll receive a variety of amazing products, from mouth-watering super-food snacks to natural beauty products and fair-trade chocolate. Conscious Box subscribers receive incredible natural products like these every month. Claim your free box!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

#LVR Love Giveaway

If you have never heard of  LVR Fashion...check them out.  I ordered a Long Sleeve French Terry Wrap   I LOVE it! It is totally me!  The wrap is  50% Organic Cotton and 50% Recycled Poly.  It is a Vintage Mineral Wash...that I love! Made in the USA!

I love LVR clothing.  I think they are a wonderful company making better changes for our environment and our bodies.  Here is a great review that DeDaStudios made that includes an awesome giveaway too!  Please read below and share with your friends.  They make the most comfortable and fashionable clothing line with a mission! 

I ordered a XLarge and it fits great. I am 5'9" - wear a size 14 and working my way to a 12.  I am tall and large bone. Size 10 shoe - 8 ring size.  So whoever says yoga clothes are for petite ladies..they are wrong.
The wrap is available in 6 different colors...I ordered the Black wrap.  Black is my favorite color. I have worn it to the market and to dinner.  It is extremely versatile! I dress it up and dress it down!  It is my go to clothing item!  Organic cotton clothing feels amazing soft and cuddlie! This is going to sound crazy but I honestly feel better wearing clothing that is making our earth a better place.  I am making a difference!
Check out my Wish List items from LVR Fashion!

If you have not worn Organic have got to try it! Organic cotton feels fantastic! I try to purchase only
organic clothing. It is making such a difference with my skin. Why Organic Cotton?  Organic cotton has no pesticides, it is hypo-allergenic, feels softer and breaths more.  Not to mention organic farming uses 50% less energy and does not pollute our soil. Why Recycled Poly? Recycled poly is leader in being earth friendly material. Recycled poly uses 1/2 of the energy used to product, reduces the demand for oil to make new poly, and  helps keep plastic bottles and other forms of poly fibers out of landfills. 
LVR donates clothing monthly to local womens shelters.  A percent of all proceeds are given quarterly to ARCAS - a animal rescue center located in Guatemala. 
Giving is who LVR Fashion is!
LVR will be sending one reader a 
 Long Sleeve French Terry Wrap
Winners choice of size and color!
Enter on the Easy Rafflecopter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Newman's Own Organics Snack Foods Review and Giveaway #noopl

(Newman's Own Sponsored this post by providing products for review, but opinions are my own.)

I have been a Newman's Own Organic consumer for a couple years now.  I grew up having snacks foods in the house, and this was a hard thing to cut when we changed to an Organic and GMO Free Diet.  I was very happy to find Newman's Own, because they make a lot of the same snacks I grew up with but with organic ingredients. It's fun for the kids to have a few snack foods in the house, for parties, and other special occasions.  We had a couple birthday parties these last couple months and it was nice to have some cleaner "snack foods" at the events. 

One thing I love about Newman's Own Organic is that they use NO Artificial Colors or Flavors.  Dyes, also known as food coloring, have often been associated with allergic reactions and behavioral problems in children.  Most commercial food products contain these Numbered Dyes but you can find great companies, like Newman's Own Organic, who omit them. 

In my local grocery they carry N.O.O products so we pick these up for special occasions like birthday parties, school events, family movie night, and more.  We believe that moderation is key to a healthy diet and lifestyle so we eat a balanced organic diet, with moderation of the other items, keeping everything in balance.  The kids are going to have parties, friends over, and crave sweet and crunch fun foods, so I like to have these in the house for those occasions.  It’s not something to replace whole foods but to enjoy along with them.  They love when they find a couple special treats in their lunches, and I feel good that it’s not the regular commercial items laced with pesticides, food dyes, and other harmful additives.  

I like to take the time to help my kids make future good decisions.  So we took the N.O.O cookies and placed them next to a couple commercial cookies.  I asked if they could tell the difference by looking at them, and they could not right away.  I them asked them to taste them and tell me which they liked more, they loved them both.  I knew this would happen so I then explained that you can't see or taste the harmful ingredients in commercial snack foods because of the sugar and additives.  I explained to them that it is important to read the labels and see what is in your food.  Even though these are snack items they are healthier for us since they have fewer additives.  I want them to enjoy food and make good decisions, teaching them to pick wiser products and to not over-indulge are great lessens to learn early. 

We had a couple play dates and I felt much better about sharing pretzels and cookies along with our veggie spread.  For Teacher Appreciation we used the long pretzel and dipped them in Dark Chocolate for a sweet and crunchy snack, along with their bag of coffee.  For a birthday party we trail mix with an assortment of popcorn, pretzels, nuts, and chocolate chips.  There are many ways you can substitute the commercial snacks for healthier snacks that taste just as great. 

Reading a couple labels.
Newman's Own Organics Alphabet Cookies: Organic Unbleached Wheat Flour, Organic Sugar, Palm Fruit Oil, Arrowroot Flour, Honey, Leavening, Salt, and Natural Flavor.
Newman's Own Organics Pretzel Rods:  Organic unbleached Wheat Flour, Organic Rye Flour, Organic Brown Rice Syrup, Organic Sunflower Oil, Organic Barley Malt, Yeast, Salt, and Soda.
I love that they use unbleached flours, when the flours are bleached you remove beneficial nutrition's in that bleaching process.
A few of my favorites but we love them all!

I love a Dark Chocolates.  The N.O.O. bars come in large squares that are the perfect delightful indulgence.  I prefer these squares than the small because just one is all the chocolate you need to hit the spot without over indulging.  The come in an assortment of chocolate flavors; Super Dark, Dark, Orange Dark, Milk, Espresso Dark, Mocha Milk!

The Fig bars are the best fig bars I have ever enjoyed.  They have a nice chewy bite with all the great taste of the fig filling!  They come in Fat Free, Wheat Free* Dairy Free, and Low Fat.  See link for ingredient information. 

The Pretzels!  I just love pretzels and so do the kids.  I think these make a fun crunchy snack that I can throw into lunches and on the go outings.  There are 10 types to choose from for the right occasion. 

Newman's Own Organic Prunes.  These I always have in the house.  They are a delightful snack, breakfast, and energy booster. 

Look for Newman's Own Organic at a location near you!  If they do not carry N.O.O, then you can always order online.  Be sure to grab a few coupons from their website while you’re there too!

Newman's Own Organics also carries Coffee and Pet Products.  These I have not tried yet, but I am very excited to soon.  My dog Sasha is on a strict diet and their products would give her a variety to enjoy that will not harm her delicate immune system.  She has lupus and a thyroid dysfunction that we support with non-toxic and cleaner pet foods. 
 Be sure to enter our Newman's Own Organic Giveaway here. 
  I am super excited to be part of 
Newman's Own Organic Giveaway 
hosted by the Pitch List.
Ten Pitch List members will be giving away 4 of their favorite NOO items.  Pretzels, Prunes, Chocolate Bars, and the Fig Bars. 
Be sure to enter other Pitch List Members Giveaways in the linky below. 
Good Luck.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Chicken Sausage Zitti Recipe

Sometimes we just need a quick healthy meal. 

Chicken Sausage Zitti
1 package of Organic Noodles
couple links of chicken sausage cooked and sliced
Home made tomato sauce, freezer
mozzarella cheese

This is a super-fast meal I can have made within a half hour, organic, nutritious, and delicious.  The chicken sausages are bought at either whole foods or Sprouts.  I love that they are all natural and no additives other than Spices. 

I boil the noodles until just cooked, don't let them get to soft. While noodles are boiling I heat the sausages in my toaster oven for 15 minutes and then slice and set aside. 
At this time noodles and sausages are done and ready.  The pasta sauce is pulled from the freezer the night before and thaws in the refrigerator through the day.  I then add pasta sauce, noodles, and chicken sausage together in a large oven safe dish.  Sprinkle some cheese and bake at 350 degrees until cheese is melted, usually 15 minutes. 

Serve with a side salad and a dark green vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, or Brussels sprouts.

For the sneaky chef, add in shredded zucchini, carrots, spinach, or pretty much any vegetable to bulk up the vitamins in the dish. 



Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Taking Care of Mom How I Take Care of Me

Welcome to the May 2013 Natural Living Blog Carnival: Taking Time for Mom. This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Natural Living Blog Carnival hosted by Happy Mothering and The Pistachio Project through the Green Moms Network. Oftentimes, Moms are so busy taking care of their families that they forget to take care of themselves. This month our carnival participants have written posts about what they do just for themselves.

It is actually really easy for me to forget about taking care of myself, because I stay so busy taking care of my family, my church, our elementary school, the community projects, and the list goes on.  I first want to say that I love being a mom.  It is everything I ever wanted and I am very blessed.  I also love to help others anytime a need comes up.  So what do I do to stay grounded and remember to take care of myself?

I think it is important to find something you love in addition to being a mom and do it.  I remember a year when my husband asked me, where you would like to go on a dream vacation and I could not answer him.  I had no idea.  I had become too wrapped around the idea of I had to stay home to take the kids to their activities, to cook, to check homework, and visualized that the house would fall apart if I went anywhere.  I take pride in all the things I do for the household, but I should have thought beyond that.  He asked me to think about it and get back to him.  I took my time thinking on where I wanted my once in a lifetime destination to be.  During that time I also attended a MOPS meeting and a question was asked; "Tell me about you".  I started telling about my kids, the pets, the places we have lived, my husband’s job, but not once did I mention something about just me.  This was a shocking eye opener for me because I think I should have been able to mention more personal interest along with my family.  

While my family and activities are important and loved, they should not be all that define who I am.    I decided that I needed to take time for myself and relax a little.  Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought you aged over night?  By taking a few steps to take time for myself, I have reversed the signs of aging, lost weight, and handled stress better.  With a few additions listed below I noticed I laughed more, balanced my schedule better, and was a better example for my kids.  They see everything we do, and I want them to know taking care of you is important; you just have to rearrange something's, make priorities, and don't sweat the small stuff.     
What are some things I changed to take time out for me?
·         RUNNING.  I started running and signing up for races.  I am blessed to have a very supportive family that encouraged me while I was taking this journey.  I cannot tell you how relaxing it is to head out and just run.  When I took the time to not just eat right, but get physically active I reduced my stress level.  I know it sounds like adding something to my schedule would be counter active, but it gave me time for myself and the activity made me feel better about me.
·         YOGA.  I started doing daily yoga.  Whether it was for 15 minutes or longer sessions I felt better, more relaxed, and stronger.  The breathing, balancing, and focus you do while doing a yoga exercise helps to forget about the things that need to be done and relaxes me.   It helps to clear my head and recharge my soul. 
·         EAT.  I know you are thinking that everyone does that, but I meant to eat right.  Are you the parent that grabs something and practically swallows it whole eating it as fast as you can while doing other things?  That use to be me, and I called it multitasking.  I was not doing my body justice by rushing.  Maybe you even skip meals saying there is not enough time, or you make sure the kids eat and you just chug down some coffee, but you are not helping yourself.  It is important to sit, yes I said sit, down and enjoy your food.  Make a conscious effort chew every bite completely and taste your food.  This simple step can reduce stress, anxiety, and indigestion.
·         READ.  I love to read books.  I can totally lose myself in a novel and this is my night time indulgence.  After I put the kids to bed, give kisses, and prayers, I am off to a faraway place to read for an hour. 
·         GET SLEEP.  I include this after my reading because I make sure to shut down my iPad and get in a good night sleep.  I could easily stay up all night long reading a good book, but sleep is the time our bodies rest and repair.  If I am up watching TV, reading, cleaning, on the computer I am adding stress to my body when it should be resting.  Make sure you give yourself a bedtime as well. 
·         GARDEN.  I love to plant seeds and watch my garden grow.  When I head outside to water I like to take deep breaths, listen to the birds, feel the textures of the plants, and get my hands dirty.  There is something very therapeutic about gardening that reconnects us to nature and the simplicity of life.  I also feel a personal accomplishment when I eat veggies and lettuces from my own garden. 
·         FRIENDS.  Make time for your friends.  I have been so busy that I looked back and thought it’s been months since I had coffee with a friend.  Your friends might actually need the time just as much as you.  One thing I can recommend is to mark your calendar and never schedule over it.  On Thursdays I blocked out time after my run that is there for a house visit, coffee, or quick shopping trip.  Make an area on your calendar that is for friends only, and use it.
·         LUNCH DATES.  I have four kids so getting a babysitter can be more expensive than the actual date.  For this reason my husband and I take a lunch outing.  Once a month I ask him to open his work calendar for us to meet for a lunch date.  This way the kids are in school and we can have adult conversation with out the distractions.  I noticed we get to sit together and actually hold hands.  We love our kids so much and found that on family outing we are holding the kid’s hands instead of our own, not to mention that at the table we are spaced between the kids never sitting by each other.  Making sure that I take this time as a couple enriched our marriage and keeps my spirits soring. 
I rescheduled my activities and made a point to take care of me along with my family.  I still like to put my family first, because I love being a mom, and now I add time for things that are beneficial for me too. I like to give the kids everything they need and tell myself that I don't need anything extra, but I think sometimes I do.  Simple things like listed above should be done normally, but can be left undone, so I make an effort to give myself that down time.

When making time for yourself, you want to reduce a few things that may cause you stress or over pack your schedule.  I volunteer at my children's school and there is always a function, event, or something to help with.  While I am usually available I have trained myself to say NO.  On Tuesday and Thursdays I take longer runs and cannot be at the school.  At the beginning of the year I accepted some tasking pushing my runs to the side and helping the school.  What happened was my body got more tired and I noticed I was moodier.  While helping brings me joy, I had to learn to pass on something's to make sure I took care of myself.  This is still a hard task, the word no tends to get stuck in my throat, but I am working on it.  When you commit yourself to YOU, then you need to make sure you meet that deadline.  You have to take care of yourself for your health and your family.  You are a better mom when you take that time to recharge, relax, eat right, and keep a healthy schedule.     

If you are wondering where I took my Anniversary Vacation is was 8 days in Scotland. 
I cherished every minute of it too. 
Visit Happy Mothering and The Pistachio Project to learn more about participating in next month’s Natural Living Blog Carnival! Please take some time to enjoy the posts our other carnival participants have contributed:

Help Get Sentinel Peak Brewery Kickstarted!

Sentinel Peak Brewing Company trying to get their Brewery Kickstarted and we need your help!
"SPBC nano brewery is about providing a constant variety of exceptional hand-crafted beers in a casual setting with friends."
You can watch their fun KickStarter Video in the upper right hand corner of this blog. 
I have had a few of Jeremy's Beers and I loved them, especially the dark beers!  I personally love the Monsoon Dunkel which was awarded a medal!!  Jeremy Hilderbrand, Matt Gordon, and Taylor Carter are local Tucsonans and Firefighters.  In January we tried a few varieties of the Sentinel Peak at a local gathering, my husband who has a great nose for beer knew these where not your ordinary home brewed beers.  Ever since then we have been very excited to know that the business was getting kick-started.  We have helped make a donation and ask that you do as well.  While you will be helping start a wonderful company you will get items in return for your donation. 
For a $10 pledge you will get "The Eddie LeBec”: SPBC Sticker and “Thank You” on SPBC website.
For $25 pledge you will get "The Robin Colcord" : same as $10 PLUS SPBC bottle opener/keychain.
For a $50 pledge you get “The Coach Ernie Pantuso”: The Same as $25, plus SPBC Growler and your name placed in some special way at SPBC.
For a $100 pledge you get "The Carla Tortelli”: Same as $50, plus SPBC t-shirt.
For a $200 pledge you get "The Woody Boyd”: SPBC Growler, SPBC t-shirt, 4 SPBC Pint Glasses, and your name placed in some special way at SPBC .
There are also pledges going up to $5000 that you can see each thank you item you would receive down the side of the right side here. 
These men are living the dream!  Jeremy uses a verity of grains and spices to make the right blends for each season.  He was on a radio show and explains why he started the business and his passion about making beer and his different combinations.  You can clearly hear the delight the men have while trying the darker beers.  You can hear more about this beer making process and his story on Sentinel Peak with Wake Up Tucson Radio show and the Sentinel Peak crew at the Frank Show.  I love that Sentinel Peak is big into community and making place to relax and enjoy a great beer.

Mission Statement
"To provide a constant variety of exceptional, hand-crafted beers in a casual setting where families, friends, and neighbors experience consistent quality and engage in worthwhile conversation.
Sentinel Peak Brewing Company is a 3 BBL (that’s 90 gallons at a time!) nanobrewery which will offer a rotating selection of craft beers along with a few house favorites. Our inspiration comes from many sources including, but not limited to, travels we’ve had and suggestions from friends. We look forward to sharing our brews with you soon!"~~SPBC
I love the video the guys made for the kick-started, what did you think of it? Tell me below!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Protein Packed Parfait.

I have been making old dishes new with changing my Yogurt combination. 
I absolutely love this one!

Protein Packed Parfait                                                      
1/2 Organic Coconut Cliff Bar, cubed
1 tsp. Organic Coconut Flakes
1/4 cup Vanilla Stonyfield Greek Yogurt
2 tbsp. Organic Vanilla Granola (homemade)
2 Strawberries, diced

I like to layer my ingredients.  So a little yogurt, then granola, then dome fruit and coconut, then the protein bar.  Then add another layer until its all in and sprinkle the top with what is left.  Easy and Delicious. 

Hoping for Health: Working Out With a Broken Toe

It has been a couple weeks since I have updated my fitness routine and wanted to share some new links and workouts.  I have been focusing on resistance training and using what I have in the house.  It's been too hot for long runs, but I am really missing running. 

Last Sunday I had an unfortunate accident, I believe I broke my toe.  I very well could have jammed it or stub it, but it hurts more than any other toes injury I have had with inflammation, bruising, and it is a little curved now.  I have heard from other friends and family that with a broken toe it just needs to heal.  Last week was excruciating, and I could not even do any workouts other than crunches and leg lifts.  I am happy to say that while it still hurts and is healing, I am able to do a bit more with it.  Today I tried my hand with doing squats.  This was a test to my balance and staying off my outside toe.  I am happy to be still working out even though I am not able to jump, run, or anything that cause me to land hard on my toes. I have found there is still a lot I can do and throw the excuses out the window. 

 This weeks Routine Schedule
Tuesday: 20 setups, 8 crunches, 8 leg lifts, 12s planks, 55 Squats, 10 Superman Banana
Wednesday: 25 setups, 10 crunches, 10 leg lifts, 15s planks, 60 Squats, 10 Superman Banana
Thursday:  rest
Friday:  30 setups, 12 crunches, 12 leg lifts, 20s planks, 70 Squats, 12 Superman Banana
Sat:  35 setups, 15 crunches, 15 leg lifts, 25s planks, 75 Squats, 14 Superman Banana
Sun:  40 setups, 20 crunches, 20 leg lifts, 30s planks, 80 Squats, 14 Superman Banana

Tabata Boot Camp
For those that Can do some Cardio Running.  My friend over at Tabata Boot Camp with Skyla, posted a great 20 minute circuit routine that is sure to give you awesome results.
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of -
200 meter sprint
20 push ups
30 sit ups
40 squats!

Be sure to Like her page and get her workouts to do at home!  If you have questions you can also ask her on the page! 

Woman's Health Has 4 Moves to a Better Butt
These four moves are commonly used in yoga and can be easy to get into a daily routine.  Chair, Warrior III, Revolved Half Moon, and Side Leg Lift.  While the Side leg lift may take time to get, these moves work on balance, breathing, core, toning, and flexibility.  To see instruction go here.

What are you doing to MOVE this week?