Friday, June 22, 2012

YogaKids Review, Kids and Parents having fun together

Kids are active by nature and I find it beneficial to give them structured activities. 

Yoga is great for everyone learning to stretch, bend, and breath deeply.  This is a calming workout that works the entire body and mind.  I enjoy and look forward to doing Yoga with my kids.  I think it is important for them to see me having fun working out and that it is something I enjoy.  You feel a sense of peace and clarity after all the breathing that comes with Yoga workouts.

The girls doing downward dog on left, and then we move into runners pose on right.

While doing our Yoga, we were listening to a new CD from YogaKids Fitness Fun Tunes.
If you would like to have a fun, giggling, and calming CD to get them started in yoga moves, this is it.  This CD is geared for kids 3-6, but my 8 year old was giggling and singing right along. Valued at $9.00, it is a great buy!
"Sing along with your child and these playful, education songs about animals, nature, fitness and more. Each song encourages a positive attitude and challenges imagination while building self-confidence and a love for fitness. Take a spin together through the YogaKids: Fitness Fun Tunes CD!"
  1. I Like to Be the Animals
  2. The Rocking Horse Song
  3. ‘Y’ Is for Yoga. 
  4. Om a Little Teapot
  5. Loco Loco Locomotive
  6. I’m a YogaKids
  7. Reach for the Sun. 
  8. Breathe: Take 5
  9. YogaKids ABCs
  10. Namaste 
The CD was more geared to fun moves and stretches, it was upbeat at times with a few slower song.  The kids keep asking to listen to the CD making it great to carry in the car,  as well as practicing the YogaKids Pose of the week.   My preschooler wanted to listen to it everywhere.  Namaste and Reach for the Sun were very relaxing, becoming a quick favorite with me.  I found myself singing a few of these song throughout the day.  Yoga is a great way to bring the kids together to have some fun.  They can stretch, giggle, and clear their minds.  A few times when the kids got bored and started arguing, I would put the CD on.  This was a great way to turn arguments into great family time together. 

If you are looking for a fun way to incorporate kids Yoga, sign up for YogaKids Pose of the week.  This is a weekly email that gives you a fun pose to do with the kids.  This week is Pedal Laughing. 

  • They give instruction for doing the pose of the week.
  • Tips for Parent and Teachers, this week is about the power and benefits of laughter.
  • Activity Ideas for Home or Classroom/Math Medley/Awesome Anatomy.  Uses math to enrich this exercise.
  • Body Benefits.  I love this especially, because it gives parents the tools to instruct and educate their kids.  I know for myself I like for my children to learn with me.  It gives us a chance to talk about other things than cleaning their rooms, picking up toys, being nice, and you know the rest.  We can communicate, bond, and learn.   
  • Musical Musing.  More tips for talking with the kids and having fun.
  • Nutrition Tip of the week.  This week is focusing on making the most of family time through meal times and letting your kids play a part in making the meals. 
 When you sign up for their Newsletter you can download Namaste, a FREE download song.  We have really enjoyed this song.  It is very relaxing and the kids have even used it to fall a asleep. the highest quality kids yoga supplies and many other treasures.
 Learn About YogaKids World Renowned Foundations Teacher Training Program
Yoga Kids has many wonderful tools to help you have a great time,  get fit, and have quality family time.  They carry tools and information for Parents, Professionals, and Yoga Teachers.
Check out YogaKids Store for fun things to use at home like music, games, books, posters, clothing, DVD's, CD's, mats, and other supplies. 

Disclaimer.  I am not paid for my reviews.  I received the  CD from YogaKids to review.  My thoughts and opinions are mine alone, and only like to bring a variety to healthy living.  I like to open my readers to the many options they have to companies striving to make a difference. 


  1. Oh my goodness! This is adorable. If my daughter was a little older, we would be all over this!

  2. What a fun way to workout with your kiddos! Thanks for sharing.... ;)

  3. This would be great for my very high energy 3 year old boy especially when we're cooped up in the house for the winter. I'm going to the Yoga Kids Store now to check it out!

  4. This is a great idea for keeping your child healthy.

  5. I need to start doing yoga myself. Need to get them muscles stretched. lol

  6. This is a good idea, and I can really see something as simple as this effecting their adult lives too (They may not have done Yoga as adults if not introduced at a young age)

    1. Yes, I believe so Amanda. I think there is a lot they can learn while doing this as kids, and they learn there is different approaches to fitness and well being.

  7. This is awesome!! We get the small fry up and doing yoga with the Wii... SO cute!
    This would be even more fun!

    1. The wii is a wonderful tool. Try the cd's, they also make fun in the car with the little ones.

  8. I am trying to find a yoga class or easy video to use for myself! I think it's awesome that you did yoga with your kiddies. I do Wii fit Plus but I don't know if that's the same lol...

    1. I love doing it with the kids. I think it helps them to focusing on task and learning how to breath. When the kids get hurt or start to cry, the first thing we do is breath through it. This helps them learn to breath through discomfort and pain. It actually works. With four kids sometimes a foot kicks someone on the floor, or drops something on their foot, you get the idea. In stead of screaming and crying we breath and focus on allowing our bodies to relax in stead of tense up!

    2. you're an awesome mama! I couldn't even imagine having 4 kids. I'm completely satisfied with one. Sometimes that's too many LOL

  9. That looks really fun! I love activities you can involve the children in because so many kids are not active enough these days!
