Monday, January 9, 2012

Did you make New Years resolutions?

It is a new year and with that we all have our resolutions.  Each may be different from getting more organized, losing weight, or/and enrichment.  One thing about New Years resolutions are that they start with good intentions.  What happens is we do not get the support we need or lose that drive to change.  If you are looking to change some of your eating habits than I am happy to share some links with you.  When changing any routines or habits, it is best to make them realistic and gradual.
Nourishing Thoughts is helping to give you gradual steps in changing your family nutrition, this week is Snacks.  You can take a pledge to change and they are giving tips, tools, recipes, and more to help you with your goals, see Take Healthy Steps.
Also see Healthy snacks for children to get some snack ideas for you and the kids.

Sometimes when changing habits we naturally think negative towards the change.  Something I did for my kids was change the presentation at meals.  I picked up some new kids plates so they were excited, and took a little extra step in the assembly of food at meals.  Check out Lunch bots  on facebook or LunchBots gallery page  for cute ideas. You might be thinking I don't have time to cut and make meals like these, but start small and just be creative.  You would be surprised how a normal lunch can be improved just by the addition of a few items.  


  1. No resolutions here, but I do make a few goals for my running each year :-)

  2. That is wonderful Lisa! I know I kicked up my running this year too! I am training for a half Marathon in October! Good luck with your running!
