Monday, May 13, 2013

Vermont House of Reps passed GMO Labeling Law

Great News! 
On "May 10th, 2013, the Vermont House of Representatives passed H.112, a GMO labeling law, by a vote of 99-42.  This is the furthest any GMO labeling bill has made it through the legislative process in the US."

Even if you don't live in Vermont this is something we all need to help support and talk about.  Why?  Companies that use GMO’s are not going to want to make labels for just Vermont.  It will create more work for production and shipping to have labels just for Vermont, especially when so many states have this in voting circles right now.  This is a wonderful step for Non GMO supporters, but it still needs to pass Senate, which will take place January 2014. 

We want to know what is in our food.  So many people are starting to really care about what they are eating and labels help us make conscious decisions.  Whether we are looking at sugars, fats, calories, gluten, we want to know what we are eating.  Many consumers are not going to care, and that is ok because Food is a freedom, but that freedom should come with the ability to know what's in the food we might be consuming. 

I think we need to have GMO's Labels, yes, but we also need to educate ourselves, friends, and family, on GMO's.  Labeling will help those with digestive sensitivities, allergies, lowered immune systems, along with other illness, to know if they can or can't have that item.  Still many people do not even know what Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are.  Start today to educate yourself to help make conscious decisions for your family and yourself. 

Help us to spread the word to everyone.  What is GMO? If you don't know please see this list of main GMO foods and the risk they take on your health. 
Additional Information Links.
Free Non GMO Shopping Guide for your phone.
10 Reasons to Avoid GMO's.

See more News, Videos, and Resources in my GMO NEWS tab.

See the Drs Video on GMO's here.  Although, I have to say I am totally aggravated by the "Wal-Mart Ad" that plays before the video.  Just see how they take you down the cereal isle where majority of every cereal you see contains the GMO's we are talking about.


  1. We definitely need to know what is in our foods! Thanks for posting on such an important topic!

  2. Thanks for posting! i am going to check into this...I have no idea what GMO's are

  3. I think they need to pass it for every state! We do need to know what we are eating. Thanks for posting.

  4. Yes, every state should have a law like this!

  5. What a great law to pass. I hope CANADA catches on soon!

  6. I am so glad they did this! We have a right to know what is in our foods and if GMO is so good for us then why are other COUNTRIES banning it? Thank your Vermont!

  7. WOW!! Looks like things are starting to look up in this world :)

  8. That's fantastic! I hope and pray the rest of the states catch on and start requiring this too. People need to be more aware and really start pushing and pushing to make this happen. Thanks for the information!

  9. This is fantastic. I wish more states would do the same. We really need to know what's in the food we eat.

  10. I can't wait to see what the other states do in response to this! So hoping that MO will decide to label!

  11. This is great information...good to know! Thanks for passing it along!

  12. I'm always concerned about what I'm feeding my family. Thanks for sharing!

  13. This is great information. Many, including myself, need to be more educated about the GMO's. Labeling sounds like a great first step in getting more people involved & curious. TY for sharing!

  14. Honestly, I had no idea what a GMO was before reading this post. I will make it a point to learn more now. Thanks.

  15. I have been reading more and more about this and it sounds like Vermont is headed in the right direction. Hopefully more states will follow and more progress can be made.

    "Food is a freedom, but that freedom should come with the ability to know what's in the food we might be consuming." So true!

  16. Vermont opened the door and I think your right companies will have no choice but to make it a standard label period, not just special for the products going to Vermont So it will be a win, win. Its just a matter of time now for other States to require the same, so brands may as well just do it!

  17. I'm still learning about gmo in the food, but I do think it's important to know whats in our food. Maybe this will open up more people like me to more information and healthier eating.

  18. Thank you for getting the word out. We have to support the non GMO market through purchasing so that the farmers will be able to put up the $$ to keep the crops up. GREAT ARTICLE!
