Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sprouted Three Bean Salad Recipe

Sprouted Three Bean Salad

1 cup of dried Sprouted beans, cooked
3 stalks celery, chopped with leaves
1 large cucumber, sliced and halved
1 avocado, chopped
Newman's Organic Zesty Italian Dressing
(All Ingredients are Organic)

This was super easy to make.  All the vegetables were cut up while the beans were boiling. 
Beans:  Combine one cup of truroots sprouted beans and 3 cups water in to a medium pan.  Bring to boiling point over medium heat.  Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.  Remove from heat and let stand for another 10 minutes.  The beans will be soft but not mushy.  I drained any leftover water and added the rest of the ingredients into a bowl.  This salad even tasted great the day after! 

I really enjoyed this as a lunch and dinner option that was packed with protein, vitamins, and fiber, which was a great source of energy and kept me full. 

Sprouted beans before drained. 

In this recipe I used the beans in a salad.  You can  make a protein spread or dip by pureeing the beans with a little olive oil and salt, or with rice and spices like a pilaf.
I picked this bag up at Costco for $7.95 and was well worth the price!  I am making many creative dishes and getting in a great tasting protein rich in fiber!

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