Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cotton Farmers and Grazing Animals affected by GMO BT Cotton

This just gets me so upset! 
"Monsanto's introduction of genetically engineered cotton in India has been a catastrophe for farmers. Farm workers are getting itching rashes, livestock eating the plants are getting sick or dying, and the cotton's unreliable yield is leading to an enormous number of suicides among indebted farmers."
Watch how how thousands of Farmers are  being forced to grow this BT chemical laced cotton.  Many of the workers are complaining of rashes and illness.  They allow the animals to graze on the cotton fields after harvesting.  Once they used BT cotton, the animals were dying by the thousands!  You will also see how a herd of Buffalo was allowed to graze on the BT cotton fields for just ONE DAY, and they all died!  This chemical is dangerous and it is in our food people, but you won't know which foods for sure unless its on the label!  For now you can use a easy pocket guide, FREE DOWNLOAD, to help you make good consumer decisions.  Please don't brush this under the carpet, help us by sharing this information with friends and family and lets get GMO on our Food Labels!    
NON-GMO Pocket Guide
Link for your computer download and tips

Disclaimer:  This information is here for readers to hear all sides of the spectrum.  There are two sides to the story and I only wish to provide my readers with information to help them make their own decisions.  Food is a Freedom.  We have a right to know all the information and be allowed to make decisions that best fit our families.  


  1. That is really scary, and so sad. Thank you for sharing!

  2. HOLY CRAP! thank you for the important information...

  3. Thank you for this information. I had no idea

  4. It is scary what is in food, thanks for the info on the app.

  5. As an animal lover, I appreciate you sharing this info. Thanks!


  6. Wow! This kind of stuff scares me. What will happen to use if they do not change the way they do things in this world?? Thank you for sharing this with us.


  7. Yikes! I don't usually think too much about the chemicals used to grow our food. This is scary!

  8. This is terrifying! This is why everyone is always getting sick all the chemicals in our food, :(

  9. Wait is this why I am seeing so many cotton fields still full of cotton? How sad..... After while we all will become farmers just to ensure that our food is safe.


  10. That's just sad. Quantity is definitely not better than quality.

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